
The cost to remove teeth varies on complexity and surgical nature. We charge approximately $450 for a surgical tooth removal. For more information see Cost

What do I need to do before having my teeth removed?

As wisdom tooth removal is a serious surgical procedure, we always recommend time to understand the risks and benefits of removal.* 

Step 1 Consult

The first step in this journey is a consult where we will provide you information on the procedure and resources to take home. You are always in control of your treatment and if you need additional information or time, we are always here to support your journey. 

Step 2 Surgery Date

Surgical removal of teeth is planned and sometimes it may take time to arrange a suitable hospital spot. 

Step 3 Time off Work

Surgical removal of teeth requires some recovery time. You will need to plan to take some time off. How much time is very case specific and some healing takes longer periods of time. As a general rule, you may need a week off work.

How long Will it take to remove my wisdom teeth?

Tooth removal including wisdom teeth depends their complexity. Tooth removal can often taken 30-60minutes.

Sleep vs awake


Tooth removal can sometimes require lifting of gums and removal of bone. This process is not painful but involving vibration and cutting and water spray and sometimes people would prefer to be unaware of the pressure and movement required to remove teeth. This is a perfectly acceptable reason for sedation. However, sometimes your health status may mean that sedation is not advised*.  


You may want to consider tooth removal while awake when tooth removal is straight forward or your health is compromised*.

Do I need someone to pick me up?

Yes. After sedation, you will be drowsy and unable to drive yourself home. If you have the procedure done while awake you may be able to safely drive after the procedure after post op review and rest. 

How does Payment work?

Please note there is a total of 3 separate payments due.

2. Day surgery / Hospital

3. Anaethetist

When do I Pay?

Payment for tooth removal is due a month before the procedure. 

Do I need to take time of work for Wisdom teeth removal?

Yes, after tooth removal you will need some recovery time. The more invasive and surgical the procedure the more time you will need. Wisdom teeth are often more surgical in nature and may require a week off work, particularly if you are having all four wisdom teeth removed.

How long does it take to heal?

The skin lining of the mouth is very similar to skin on your hand or arm. In most cases healing should taken one to two weeks. However, in some cases healing is delayed and, in the case of nerve injuries, it may take much longer.

What can I do or not do after the procedure?

With an invasive surgical procedure such as tooth removal, you will need to take a few precautions.

2. You may eat and drink and brush but not near the tooth removal areas, nothing too hot or cold. Do not

swish food or drink around your mouth.


3. DO NOT gargle or aggressively flush tooth removal areas with salt water or mouth wash

4. Keep your head elevated

5. Do not excessively exercise and increase your blood pressure as this can promote bleeding. This means you will need to given the gym a rest for week.

5. Do not SMOKE or DRINK alcohol for 1 day after treatment. Please let us know if this is not possible.


6. Pain relief - be careful to not exceed recommended doses of pain medications for your weight and liver and kidney function. For someone healthy, DO NOT EXCEED 4g of paracetomol (Panadol) for a given 24 hour period.

7. If you are taking aspirin as a medication DO NOT CEASE without talking to your general medical practitioner.

Sometimes, you will be give tailored advice depending on your situation.

Can I travel?

Yes and no. The treating practitioner will usually like to review the tooth removal sites a few days to a week after the operation (this may change with the current pandemic). However, sometimes traveling may be necessary especially if you come from a rural area or need to travel due to unplanned events. Please let us know if this is the case. 

If the wound opens, what do I do?

Healing after tooth removal sometimes does not occur typically. This may be because of medications you take, infection or unexplained reasons. If an area appears to not heal normally, please let us know as soon as possible.

How much does it cost for a review?

We do not charge for any review after tooth removal. Simply give us a ring and we can schedule a review appointment for you.

What paperwork Do I need?

After the consult, we will provide you information to read. We will also provide you with a consent form to fill out and return at your leisure. 

I have been told I have impacted wisdom teeth. What does impacted wisdom teeth mean?

Wisdom teeth can be impacted meaning trapped within the jaw, often causing it to fail to emerge into the mouth through bone or gum. The reason is not always clear and wisdom teeth can change direction sometimes over a 12 month period from a normal vertical pathway to horizontal. This can lead to bacteria tracking to the un-erupted tooth and leading to inflammation and infection (pain).

If you have been told that you need your wisdom teeth out, it is likely you need them out. We also encourage second opinions from a qualified dental practitioner.

Do I need my wisdom teeth out?

This is conversation you need to have with your dental health practitioner. If they are not familiar with this area of dentistry they will refer you to someone that can advise you. This may be another dentist or a specialist. In most cases one or more of your wisdom teeth may need removal. Sometimes early intervention is advised to limit development and growth of the wisdom tooth into or around important structures like nerves. We are always available to have a conversation with you or recommend someone that is qualified. 

What kind of recovery do I need if wisdom teeth are removed?

Wisdom teeth removal is different and more complicated than normal dental extractions. Wisdom tooth removal often require a surgical method involving lifting of gums, exposing of bone, bone removal and stitching of gums back down over the bone. This process produces a cascade of messaging systems of your body leading to inflammation and swelling and pain. The healing time for wisdom teeth are longer (up to a week) and stronger pain relief is usually required. We will inform you the appropriate recovery time. So, you may need to ask your employer for some days off work.

Can I have wisdom teeth removed while asleep?

We provide the option of being asleep for your wisdom teeth removal. We will advise you on whether your case can be done while awake but for more complicated cases we recommend removal under sedation whether Intravenous or general anesthesia. We provide both options to our patients. BOOK ONLINE

I was told by my previous dentist I didn't need my wisdom teeth removed and now my dentist tells me I need them out.

Wisdom teeth that appear to emerge into your mouth can often change with a short period of time. So, normal vertical eruption of wisdom teeth can changed to impaction within a year. If your dentist thought that wisdom teeth are erupting normally this can change quickly especially with a developing jaw during your growth spurt. 

Is there optimal time for wisdom teeth removal?

Wisdom teeth start to emerge into the mouth at around 18 years. Sometimes, due to the proximity of the tooth to very important structures in your jaw such as nerves that provide sensation to your lower teeth, gum and lip, it may be suggested that early removal can limit potential disrupt to the nerve and altered nerve sensation including tingling, burning sensation and numbness. Further to this, there is a nerve which passes through the gum tissue on the tongue side of the lower wisdom teeth that provides sensation to the tongue (which may be a concern to those who work as chefs, wine tasters). From the literature, it appears that nerves heal less predictably the older a person gets. Hence, the risks of permanent nerve damage increases with age. 

What complications could I expect?

Wisdom teeth removal is by nature surgical and you should expect the normal process of healing with swelling, brusing, pain, discomfort and jaw and muscle soreness. 

The following complications are for your information, not to alarm you and are not exhaustive.


Altered or absence of sensation

Teeth may be close or touching nerves such as the inferior alveolar nerve. Sometimes on removing wisdom teeth, the nerve may be traumatized, bruised or impinged causing numbness, tingling, burning sensation and/or loss of feeling in teeth, gums, cheeks, lips, chin, tongue and around the upper or lower teeth. This may be temporary lasting several weeks, in some cases can be permanent.

Nerve damage causing pain

This is a rare situation but an injured nerve may not heal properly despite the surgery being performed successfully and nerve pain may persist or recur. The exact reason is not fully understood and the pain can be difficult to treat.


Wisdom teeth removal may lead to bone and tooth root fragments being left in the gum/jaw. In a rare situation an upper tooth root fragment(s) may be dislodged into the sinus. If this occurs we will attempt to retrieve the fragment immediately. If this is not possible, you may need to undergo further treatment to retrieve the fragment. This may cause further discomfort and cost.


It is important to recognize that not everybody needs their wisdom teeth extracted. This needs to be assessed and we encouraged you to get a second opinion.*

Consult @

542a Main South Road Old Noarlunga SA 5168

Call: 08 8185 0024 

Business Hours

Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

Friday - 8:00am - 3:00pm

Saturday / Sunday : Closed